I finished building the VEX IQ robot base in record time. At least I expect it was a record for taking so long. I ended up rebuilding a few parts because I incorrectly guessed at the length of the axles used. (edit: Again, it would have been much faster if I had realized the poster cross referenced the part numbers.) Once it was together and all charged up, it was time for a test drive. The VEX IQ computer ("brain") had a built-in Driver Control program so I could try it from the remote right away.
Trouble! One set of wheels went the right way when I pressed the stick forward but the other set went the opposite way. Perfect if you are trying to spin in circles. I thought I would have to rebuild again but as I looked at the steps I couldn't figure out what I could have done wrong.
Reading some I decided to try a firmware update in case it wasn't me but a bug in the software. Voila! After the updates both sides went the same direction when I pressed forward on the two control sticks.
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